Saturday, July 6, 2013

Emerald Isle (A Stacy Justice Mystery) - Barbara Annino

I am a fan of free books, and although this book was not free, the first in the series was, and I was hooked.  The Kindle edition of this book was still nicely priced at $4.99.  Add to that that I like a good mystery and throw in witches to boot, and I am a happy camper.

This is the fourth book in the Stacy Justice Mystery series.  And although it was much shorter than I would  have liked, it was still a lot of fun. 

Stacy is a reluctant witch - she suffered several tragedies as a teenager - the loss of her father and then her mother, which left her bitter and a bit estranged from her family.  Throughout the series, there is a tug of war between Stacy and her Grandmother, a powerful witch.  Stacy seems to have a lot of resentment towards her Grandmother and also is rather condescending towards her and her witchcraft. 

Although Stacy knows that magic is real, and she does practice it when necessary, she doesn't quite believe in it.  She looks at her Grandmother and two great Aunts as a bit wacky.  Her Grandmother, she has some disdain for, and her Aunts she accepts like one would those slightly off kilter relatives, who are fun, but need to keep a bit of an eye on in case they do something too crazy like strip off their clothes in public (okay, Aunt Lolly maybe, but that is besides the point!). 

In this book, we see Stacy actually accept magic as a powerful force to be reckoned with.  It takes a goddess or two to get her there, but she does.  Some lose ends were tied up in this book, and Stacy also garners a real appreciation and respect for her Grandmother. 

All in all a fun, rollicking ride.  My only complaint, is the book was very short.  I would have liked to see it fleshed out a bit more. 

I'm not going to review all the books in the series, but I am including a link to all the books below.  The Kindle editions of the first three books in the series are $3.99 each.