Friday, January 11, 2013

Replay - Ken Grimwood

That said, this book disappointed me in the end.  It seemed like there was no resolution. As if he learned nothing from his repeated journeys and re-workings of the past.  Also, the main character in this book came off as rather selfish. 

He used people and events to his advantage, but seems to give little in return.  He brushed off his family, which to me, who has lost my mother at an early age is a travesty.  If I were to go back 25 years, I would be 19 years old, and have another year with my mother.  I would treasure that year, and my mother more than I did my first go around. 

Also, there is the implication that major events, such as the Kennedy assassination, can not be changed, but in the book over his several replays of his life, he has made major changes to the world by effecting events, so that was confusing and contradictory. 

But I have to say, despite these flaws, I did enjoy the journey, and it made me think. 

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