Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archives #1) - Brandon Sanderson

This is a book that seems to be going absolutely nowhere....But I still really, really liked it.  The characters are fascinating and the world (as is true with all that I have read by Brandon Sanderson) is unique - the magic, the world, how the world works, and the peoples.

I love that about Brandon Sanderson that he creates the out of the box, not standard fantasy worlds, and I always want to know more about his world. In this world, it is world ruled by violent storms called the High Storms that come on a regular basis, and all the animals and plant life are adapted to these storms, and so have protective shells that plant and animal alike can retreat into to weather these harsh storms.  But on the plus side, these storms provide the magic for the world through the energy they bestow.

His characters are wonderful as well.  I want to know what is happening next, what the character is going to do, how they are going to achieve their goals, what motivates these people.  This book does have a myriad of characters - it is almost like he saw how popular George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series is doing with its myriad of characters and constant shifting view points, and thought he would adapt that to his own world view.  It works. I am waiting to see if he is as ruthless with his characters as George RR Martin is in the Song of Ice and Fire series.

All that said, I still have no idea where this books is going, or what the purpose of the story is.  I have a general idea - a big event is on the horizon, but not how the characters are linked to it.  It really seemed that this is a book that is going nowhere, and yet due to the wanting to know more about the world and the characters, I could easily over look that flaw because it is just a pleasure to read.

That said, I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series.

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