Friday, June 28, 2013

Heir of Novron (Riyria Revelations) - Michael J. Sullivan

Hadrian and Royce return.  Have I mention that I really like these characters? 

This is the final installment in the Riyria Revelations.  It opens with Arista in prison, and soon to be executed as a Witch.  Modina (Thrace) becoming more aware and Amelia falling in love and becoming more comfortable with who she is.  What more can one ask?  Oh, yes, a climax to the wonderful adventure we taken on in the first two books. 

This book does not fail to satisfy.  We at long last discover the true heir to Novron in this book, and without giving anything away, it was one I suspected early on but discarded.  The evil ones are routed, new evil is discovered and peace is achieved. 

There are some losses of major characters, but even those are given a happy ending.  Modina (Thrace), Amelia, Arista, and Hadrian find happy endings, and Nimbus finds a bit of what he is searching for in the end as well. 

Most of this book is the mad search for the Horn of Gylindora, which will save mankind from extinction.  Unfortunately, the horn was lost with the capital city of the Old Empire, and nobody knows where that may be.  And time is short because the elves are invading and annihilating all humans in their path.  The last bastion of human kind is Aquesta, where Modina is damned and determined to save her people.

Everyone discovers a lot about themselves in this book and what they believed to be true is set on its head.

I really enjoyed this book.  There are some things that are hinted at, but never fully disclosed in this book, which frustrated me a bit, but other than that, well written, a pleasure to read and a delightful adventure.  All in all, a good ending to a very good series.  I look forward to reading more from Michael J. Sullivan. 

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