Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rise of Empire - Michael J. Sullivan

This is the second book in the Riyria Revelations.  And it was an enjoyable as the first.  The bad guys are a little more obvious, but there are still some surprises.

We meet back up with Royce, Hadrian, Arista and Thrace (now Modina) from the first novel. 

In the previous installment, we learned that there had once been an Empire that ruled over all the lands, and there was great peace and prosperity.  But a thousand years before, the Emperor was murdered by his trusted advisors, and his son was sent into hiding, accompanied by a Teshlor Knight as his guardian. There has been a search for the Heir ever since.

I really enjoyed the mystery here; everytime I was sure I knew who the Heir was, I found I was wrong.  Although I think it was obvious from the beginning of a Theft of Swords, who the guardian was. 

Thrace after killing the Gilarabrywn, a creature of pure magic that is created as a tool for war, and can only be dispelled with the one sword made at its creation inscribed with its name, is now Empress, but she is practically cationic.  Saladur, from the previous novel, has set Thrace up as the living descendent of Novron, and thereby the one true heir to the Empire. Along with Ethelred, Saladur has taken up the reins to run the new Empire with Thrace is but their puppet. 

We are introduced to some new characters:  One is Amelia, a scullery maid raised to a lady, to help Modina learn to be Empress.  Sir Breckton, a champion of the Empire, who is incredibly loyal and honorable to a fault, and Nimbus, a courtier who comes to Amelia's aid to assist Modina in learning to be an Empress. 

Royce and Hadrian are once again brought in to aide Melengar with their struggle against the Empire.  Arista also plays a larger part in this novel, and comes to accept her powers more and where she is going. 

Arista proves herself a capable and competent administrator, but she is meant for something else.  I like strong women in books, and Arista is strong, but with some of the foibles strong women have, which is self doubt in their attractiveness.  I like her - she is great, but not perfect. 

This book covers growth of the characters and the beginning of realizing who they are and who they can be.  Lot of great action in this book also, and it ends on a cliff hanger. 

My only slight criticism about this book:  I would have liked to know a lot more about Gwen.  The prostitute with a heart of gold, and Royce's love.  

A wonderful addition to the series. 

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