Thursday, November 22, 2012

Aftermath (Sirantha Jax) - Ann Aguirre

The final installment of the Sirantha Jax series. 

I loved this series - it featured a strong female lead, which is something I look for in books, who was by no means perfect, another thing that I enjoy in books. Jax is tough, a bit selfish at times, very devoted to those she cares about, but she grows and changes.  Jax started out as a very self-involved, egocentrical character who saved the universe by accident, but she becomes a much more balance character in the end.  It is something that annoys me in so many series when the characters never seems to learn or grow from their experiences, and yet, Jax does that.  Yes, like so many leads in series she does end up saving the universe, but she does it in the most backhanded fashion.

After surviving an attempt that to take her life, and managed to take the life of her lover, her holding in a psychiatric facility, her break from said facility, her involvement in a war, the bringing down of the universes corrupt government, the chaos that reignes, the creation of a new government, preventing the Morgut invasion, and  imprisonment for mass murder, Jax is back to save the Lehengri from their slavehood to keep her promise to her friend, Loras, and she does it in typical Jax fashion.  She tries to do it the right way, but everything ends up cocked up, and civil war is the result. 

I have to say, I identify well with characters who are very flawed, and not a little broken.  I enjoyed Jax's journey, and feel that this is a strong entry, and it had what I like in books, a happy ending.  Not a perfect ending, just happy. 

Another thing I enjoy in books is when all the lose ends are tied up, and I felt this was done very well in this book  I always wonder after watching a movie, and everything was blown up, or massive destruction happens, and it ends, well what then? What about the consequences?  Does the hero have to face legal consequences, explain to the police, retain a lawyer to explain the destruction and deaths?  Well, each subequent book in this series is dealing with the fallout and consequences from the previous book. 

I highly recommend this series. 

Below, I have linked to both the this book and the first book in the series.

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