Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Of Orcs and Men

I like Orcs, and a friend knowing my fascination with Orcs recommended to me Of Orcs and Men, so the other day I picked it up from Amazon. I tried playing it last night, and was so frustrated, I quit not very far in.

1) It starts out with a tutorial, which is great, but in the tutorial, it stops the action and tells you how to do something, like pull up the combat action screen. Here is what the tutorial says: "Press to bring up the combat actions to change your action and to slow down the fight so you can pick different actions" (not exact wording). Yep, doesn't tell you WHAT to press. Nope. So I decide because there is no back or replay button on the tutorial that I will quit the game, and start again, maybe thinking I missed something....

2) The game so far has almost non-stop conversations: You can not quit during these conversations, so I kept trying to speed through them to get to a place that allowed me to quit the game, no such luck...

3) The game would not allow me to bring up the menu screen at all at any time that I could see - I tried ESC and the F1, which is what the tutorial told me would bring up the menu screen. So, the only way I could actually quit the game was to either force it to close by rebooting my computer or going in through the task manager...

4) Guess what? The task manager is pushed to the background so even if you open it, it wouldn't allow me to get to it. The game kept popping up in front. I finally finageled (used the windows key) it so I could get to the task manager.

5) It annoys me intensely when I can't choose the gender of my character and must accept what they give me, which is basically a male Orc. Great, I get the Orc part, but it is inherent bias in game designers to make one only able to pick male. Hello Game Designers: Women also play video games. I know, hard to believe, but we do. Consider that when making your game environment because it doesn't make sense to alienate a good portion of your audience.

6) It also mildly irritates me that I can't pick how my character looks, not that big of a deal, but still.

7) The Orc's look odd - in that their skin texture looks weird, like a beat-up suite case died green. Also, surprisingly the graphics are pretty basic in this game: pretty cartoonish and rough. I guess Skyrim and Dragon Age spoiled me with beautiful graphics.

8) As the other reviewer states, the voice acting could be much better.

9) The download from Amazon was incredibly slooooooooowwwwww. It said it would take about 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. It actually took more almost 12 hours. Granted our DSL internet is not the best, but still, it was very slow.

I will probably try the game again, afterall, I did spend $40 on it, but so far, not even 10 minutes into the game, and it has frustrated me beyond belief.


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